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Jamie Brown

Vitamin E, Food and Your Skin

Did you know that guacamole is yummy to many and it is not only a good spread, appetizer or topping, it contains Vitamin E?

Why should you care about Vitamin E? Well let’s talk about Vitamin E.

Vitamin E is not a single compound but a group of eight molecules, all of which form the tocopherol family or what we call Vitamin E. It is a fat soluble vitamin.

Why should you care about Vitamin E? Well let’s talk about Vitamin E.

Vitamin E is not a single compound but a group of eight molecules, all of which form the tocopherol family or what we call Vitamin E. It is a fat soluble vitamin.

Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant. It helps protect your cells from the damage that comes from daily unbound oxygen molecules floating in the cells from metabolism. When unbound, oxygen molecules can do damage when they meet your other cells. Vitamin E can help prevent some of this damage from occurring. It attaches to the unbound oxygen molecules and helps remove them from your body before damage occurs.

Vitamin E is important for your cell walls. Let’s geek out for a second. Vitamin E helps form part of the layer that protects water from flowing freely into and out of the cell. Part of the cell layer is fat (it includes Vitamin E ) and this layer prevents water soluble things from flowing in or out of the cell unchecked.This keeps nutrients and water on the inside of the cell for your cells to use for metabolism. The outside lipid layer which needs Vitamin E to form, keeps water from crossing through it. This partial barrier requires nutrients and electrolytes to flow back and forth through the membrane as needed for important cellular functions.

The diagram below shows the semi permeable membrane and how it works. The link below helps you dig deeper if that is your desire.

Vitamin E is vital to your skin health. After you ingest Vitamin E, it takes about 7 days to reach your skin. It reaches your skin through sebum. Since people with oilier skin secrete more oil, they have more available Vitamin E. At the skin's surface, Vitamin helps to protect your skin from UV light. This makes it a powerful tool in the photoprotection of your skin. This does not replace daily sunscreen, but it is a big help to your skin. So next we need to see what foods contain Vitamin E.

Vitamin E containing foods include:

  • Almonds

  • Almond Beverage

  • Avocados

  • Wheat germ oil

  • Hazelnuts and hazelnut oil

  • Sunflower seeds and sunflower oil

  • Pine nuts

  • Sweet red peppers

  • Mango

  • Brazil nuts

What skin products contain Vitamin E?

One I love and use especially in the summer is Aroma Naturals Bioactive Omega 3,6,7,9 cream.

It contains 25,000 IU of Vitamin E and it is perfect on a sunburned face. I put it in the refrigerator

in the summer! It healed my skin after a tangle with Poison Oak, the Poison Oak won. : (

I always pack this cream on vacations. I buy it at Fred Meyers stores, it is hard to find online.

Vitamin E oil is powerful for healing new scars and incisions that are closed but are still red and freshly formed. It helps the tissue return to a normal state more quickly. It is also soothing on a sunburn or irritated skin from a rash or skin reaction to lotions or soaps. It is reasonably priced and since you need so little it lasts quite a while.

As you can see, Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant in the fight to stay healthy. It helps the cells in your body ward off cellular damage from normal daily metabolism and it helps heal the surface of your skin as needed.

Try to add one of the Vitamin E rich foods to your diet for the health benefits and use Vitamin E oil on your dry feet in the summer, it really will keep your heels from cracking. Both the topical and the ingested form of Vitamin E will help you look and feel younger.

As we have learned from these 3 vitamin blogs, getting your vitamins from food is the safest and easiest way to maintain your skin health. It keeps you from getting toxic amounts of vitamins and when in the food form, it has added benefits that we have not even discovered yet. Vitamin A, C and E help your skin powerfully on the surface and internally. Supplement with vitamins as needed and keep up your other healthy habits.

Enjoy this video on Vitamin E!

Here are the skin care items I discussed that contain Vitamin E:

  • Aroma Naturals Omega Vitamin E 25,000 IU moisturizing creme Purchase @ Fred Meyer

  • Shea Body Butter Kukui Nut Oil Purchase @

  • Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream (Body very dry, sensitive skin) @ Costco

Until we meet again Ciao.


"This link leads to a website provided by the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University. Jamie Brown is not affiliated or endorsed by the Linus Pauling Institute or Oregon State University."

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